Saturday, 14 April 2007

Lots of instructions!

So many instructions..... Mommyyyy, can you come and read them to us?
They said in the website, that these dollhouses are easy to assemble, so I think we just need to believe them.

Niin paljon ohjeita.... äitiiiiii, tuu lukemaan!!
Niiden nettisivulla kyllä sanottiin, että nämä nukkekodit on helppoja laittaa kasaan. Uskottava se on!


It has this many parts! How are we going to ever get the house built? When we were busy looking the parts, my mom found the instructions and she said: Don't worry, the instructions say Don't Panic!

Onpas siinä paljon osia! Miten me ikinä saadaan tämä kasaan???
Onnneksi äiti löysi ohjeet, joissa sanottiin: älä panikoi!

Friday, 13 April 2007


Today it happened! I am soooo excited! My OWN dollhouse!

It came from Greenleaf Dollhouse shop. When we got it, we almost started to build it, but my mom said that we need to read the instructions first. I think it is going to be fun!

Mahtavaa! Mä sain nukkekodin! Ihan oman nukkekodin! Me ajateltiin rakentaa sitä heti, mutta äiti sanoi, että pitää lukea ohjeet ensin. Meille tulee hauskaa!