Greta and Grace are putting the living-room together. After much moving the furniture around and debating they were finally happy about the living-room. Now they are resting and chatting happily together - and having some snack.
Greta ja Grace sisustavat olohuonetta. Siirreltyään aikansa huonekaluja edestakaisin ja muutaman erimielisyyden jälkeen he ovat vihdoin tyytyväisiä lopputulokseen. Nyt he sitten istuvat ja jutustelevat iloisesti - ja syövät hieman välipalaa.
Ha ha!! very cute poses in the living room. Greta and Grace worked very hard lifting all that heavy furniture. No wonder they need to have a snack!
Thank you for the comment,Caitlin!
We will soon hear more about grace and greta!
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