Thursday 13 December 2007


We, Riikka and Laura, have been so busy this week: so many tests at school and Laura performed in a talent show Wed evening... That's why we haven't had time to update our Christmas Calendar...

But tomorrow, we will tell you all about what Riikka got from the Calendar this week!

Me, Riikka ja Laura, ollaan oltu tosi kiireisiä tällä viikolla: tosi paljon kokeita ja Laura esiintyi Talent Show:ssa keskiviikko iltana... Siksi me ei olla ehditty päivittää Joulukalenteria...

Mutta huomenna me kerrotaan koko viikon yllätykset!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

I am just now catching up from the last time I read your blog. As I write this comment, Today is Christmas Eve...I still have almost two weeks of the Christmas calender to read.